Welcome to Bournemouth Park Academy EYFS.
At Bournemouth Park we place a large emphasis on teaching the children though play. We introduce the children to new concepts through our short, structured inputs which we then embed during our free flow time, where the children can choose their own activities. These activities may take place in any of our three classrooms, or outside in the garden area, which reinforce and extend the children's learning through role play, games and questioning. Our free-flow time allows the children to interact with their peers where they are able to develop important communication, social and emotional skills as well as acquire their own fascinations and interests. All of our interaction with the children is informed by the seven areas of learning in the EYFS framework, as well as the characteristics of effective learning.
More information about the framework being taught can be found in a free downloadable PDF at the following link:
Short phonics sessions are introduced in the Nursery which are built upon and extended in Reception. The children enjoy their phonics sessions in small groups and are already showing fantastic progress in learning their set 1 sounds. We are also beginning to blend CVC words. The children have the opportunity to use their sounds during their writing input and free flow time.
Maths is taught daily with a weekly changing topic. The concepts introduced in our maths input are embedded in our daily 'maths meeting' which are largely song-based. Our focus for the autumn term includes: counting and ordering numbers from 1-10, recognising 2D and 3D shapes, identifying units of measurement, and learning the language for time.
The children's learning is documented in their individual Learning Journals on Tapestry, which include various pieces of art work, WOW moments, photos of the children and short observations all of which are then linked to the EYFS framework.As well as the school Newsletter, the EYFS also has its own fortnightly newsletter to keep parents and carers informed of the current topics and interests being followed.
Any current parents are encouraged to email pictures of any home learning to eyfs@bournemouthpark.southend.sch.uk.