Bournemouth Park Academy

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Our Academy

Bournemouth Park Academy is an academy convertor and of one of the founding members of a Multi Academy Trust :


Eastwood Park Academy Trust (EPAT) - established in February 2017


Bournemouth Park Academy was formerly known as Bournemouth Park Primary School and is situated in the heart of Southend on Sea. The Academy is a larger than average primary school with capacity for 540 pupils and 25 spaces within the Academy nursery. 


The proportion of pupils supported through Pupil Premium is well above the NA at 41%, while the proportion of pupils with English as additional language (EAL) is 20% and the the proportion of pupils with Special Educational Needs is above the NA at 19%. 


On entry to Nursery, approximately 40% pupils are assessed as being below typical national average. 


From 2021-2023, the three year average for the key performance attainment measures was broadly in line with National Average.


The academy was subject to a Section 8 Ofsted inspection in September 2019 and achieved an overall rating of ‘Good’ without the transitional arrangements.



