Attendance & Absence
The Academy's target is for all pupils to achieve 100% attendance in order to give themselves the best possible opportunity to achieve their full potential.
Strategies for promoting attendance
The Academy uses a range of methods/initiatives to promote a culture of good attendance across the school:
- Stakeholder engagement around attendance through simple, friendly posters across the school site and regular promotion of attendance through school communication platforms
- Long term Initiatives such as the BPA attendance tree display where pupils receive a leaf for 100% attendance each half term.
- Short term initiatives such as the ‘Lucky Dip’ box and School Shop, which are changed across the academic year to keep interest in attendance.
- Individual certificates for most improved attendance focused on hard-to-reach parents/pupils.
- Attendance contracts detailing agreed actions/support for parents to improve attendance.
- Promoting the use of Studybugs, an easy-to-use approach to reporting absence.
- Individual reward schemes focused on achieving a week/two weeks good attendance for hard-to-reach parents/pupils.
Attendance Strategy
What does good school attendance look like?
Attendance Rewards
We will use as many opportunities as possible to remind parents/carers that it is their responsibility to ensure that children receive their education. Rewards include attendance displays and celebrations, attendance leaves for 100% attendance in a half term, the Lucky Dip box and individual reward strategies.