Bournemouth Park Academy

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“The music is all around us. All you have to do... is listen.” - August Rush 

Music is a multi-sensory, universal language, which embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. Listening, seeing, feeling, singing, playing and moving are all important in musical education. At Bournemouth Park Academy, we aim to inspire and nurture the children’s imagination and enthusiasm for music. We want our children to have the curiosity and resilience to explore and experiment with the creative process and find their own personal joy that music can bring to so many.  

Pupils are encouraged to collaborate through creating, playing and performing a wide variety of musical forms. They are provided with the resources and space to appraise musical pieces from a vast range of cultures and traditions, thus inspiring them to respect the art and even compose their own pieces. The teaching of music should embrace learning to sing alongside developing skills in reading musical notation and using it to play instruments. After spending time consolidating the children’s learning on theory and notation, we aim to teach them to play both the Glockenspiels and the Recorder by the end of Key Stage 2. Music connects us. It is our responsibility to ensure the next wave of individuals leaving our academy have experienced high quality music education and have had the opportunity to immerse themselves in this creative practice, as is their right.  



We have broken music down into six areas to ensure the children have complete coverage of the curriculum as well as the maximum opportunity for creativity. These are: Using their voices; Using Instruments; Listening and Appraising; Musicianship and Understanding; Improvising; and Composing and Arranging. 


Every year group completes a music unit per term. The document below shows the knowledge and skills that are covered in each year group for each unit.
