Bournemouth Park Academy

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Phonics & Reading


At Bournemouth Park Academy, we aim for every child to leave our school as a strong reader who has a good balance of reading to gain information and reading for enjoyment. We believe that Reading is the most vital skill that a child can learn as it gives them the tools to become independent learners.


We encourage this together by:

Encouraging children to develop a love of reading and books by reading to them daily during the school day.

Giving children access to a wide range of books at school and at home



At Bournemouth Park, we use the scheme Read Write Inc. Phonics (RWI) by Ruth Miskin to give every child the best possible chance to become a successful reader. RWI is a phonics and reading programme that strives to help all children learn to read fluently.

More information can be found at:


Reception & Key Stage One

During Reception, children will:

Learn the 44 sounds and the corresponding letters/letter groups using picture prompts

Learn to read and write words using “Fred Talk” and sound blending

Read storybooks which are matched to their phonic knowledge

Build sentences by practising sentences out loud before writing


Children will be set into Phonics groups, tailored to their individual need which will take place daily. They will bring home a version of the text they are reading at school to continue practising at home to promote fluency and accuracy, as well as a book to share at home. They may not have come across all the words in this book yet and so will sometimes needs support if reading independently.


Order of Story Books:

Below you can see the order of the books that the children will follow. Our aim is that by the end of the first term of Year Two, children are confident, speedy readers and will begin to move into more independent reading.


Sound Blending 1-10
Red Ditty 1-10
Green 1-10
Purple 1-10
Pink 1-10
Orange 1-12
Yellow 1-10
Blue 1-10
Grey 1-13



Key Stage Two

During Key Stage Two, most children will access Reading lessons through whole class Guided Reading. Children will read a high-quality text and will work further on their skills of comprehension, inference and exploring and extending their existing vocabulary.

In Year Three and Year Four, if a child still needs support within the basic skills of Reading, they will continue to learn using the RWI programme, the same format as KS1. This will be taught in a separate group at the same time as the Guided Reading sessions.

If a child is still struggling to read in Year Five and Year Six, they will be able to access a programme called Fresh Start, which follows on from RWI and is pitched to their age and interests.

Please support your child art home by encouraging a love of Reading and making time to share and praise the learning that your child is doing in school.


Here are some useful links which may support your child with their phonics further: 


To see more detail about how reading is taught in Bournemouth Park, please read our English Policy below:
