At Bournemouth Park we strive to provide a high-quality mathematics education that provides children with the tools to understand the world, analyse and communicate information, and reason mathematically. We work to create a stimulating cross-curricular environment that fosters a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject, and encourages children to think and find out for themselves.
In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), teaching and learning promotes social skills, and develops the mathematical understanding of young children through a range of practical opportunities to use, enjoy, explore, practise and talk confidently about mathematics. Practical equipment is used to support the teaching and learning of number calculation. In-line with the statutory framework, maths is taught across two strands of the curriculum:
- Number develops children’s early understanding of numbers and calculation through practical experiences alongside exposure to symbols.
They are working towards the Early Learning Goal (ELG): Children estimate a number of objects and check quantities by counting up to 20. They solve practical problems that involve combining groups of 2, 5 or 10, or sharing into equal groups. 5
- Shape, Space and Measure develops children’s understanding of simple shapes, using early mathematical language, identifying patterns and using measures in practical contexts.
They are working towards the Early Learning Goal: Children estimate, measure, weigh and compare and order objects and talk about properties, position and time.
Every day, EYFS teachers involve the children in a 10 minute Maths Meeting Board activity that works towards the above Development Matters goals. Their knowledge is built up throughout the year, and children are taught mathematical concepts throughout their play, both inside and outside of the classroom. Outdoor learning plays a large role in the teaching of mathematics; teachers plan and resource high-quality learning opportunities for children to develop their understanding. The end of year assessment of children’s achievements in all areas of maths is a statutory report. Observational evidence and samples of children’s work throughout the year will be used to assess children as emerging, expected or exceeding, based on their understanding and achievement of the ELGs set out in the EYFS curriculum.
In Key Stage 1 and 2, Maths is taught in daily 1 hour sessions using the White Rose Maths small steps progression and mastery approach. It is expected that teachers follow the programme of study at a pace which suits their pupils’ needs whilst still ensuring they provide the full curriculum within the school year. There is also an expectation that the vast majority of lessons will be taught using the Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract (CPA) approach and visual aids on the Interactive Whiteboard; this will accompanied by activities in children’s maths journals. We trust our teachers to plan and supplement WRM materials with resources from a variety of trusted sources when suitable, according the needs of their pupils. The WRM progression of skills is carefully planned to build challenge for children through a year long curriculum overview that is broken down into topics and small steps. In-line with the Calculation Policy, children are challenged to solve problems that enable them to use both mental and written methods. Children are also prepared for summative testing in KS2.
Home Learning
We encourage all children to practice maths at home in their everyday day lives, whether that be using money in their local shop, baking and measuring ingredients, using a timetable and telling the time or just counting the number of steps in their home.
We set maths homework on Purple Mash for our KS2 children and encourage all children to play and practice daily on Times Table Rockstars or Numbots. Here are some additional websites that will be useful for practising maths at home:
KS1 -
KS2 -
To see more detail about how we teach Maths at Bournemouth Park, please read our Maths, Arithmetic and Calculation Policies below: