Teacher Training
School Experience Opportunities
If you are looking for a career in teaching, Bournemouth Park Academy offers a range of opportunities to support you on your journey, includng:
- School Experience Days
- Work Experience
- Placements (through a range of providers)
If you are interested in work experience or a placement, please do not hesitate to contact us. Application forms for placements or work experience (see below) should be completed and sent to: office@bournemouthpark.southend.sch.uk
Initial Teacher Training
Staff at Bournemouth Park Academy take great pride in the support and experiences that trainees receive within our setting. We work with a range of providers and offer placements throughout the school year.
If you are interested in training at Bournemouth Park, please do not hesitate to contact Miss Laura Sewell (Assistant Prinicipal and ITT co-ordinator) for more information.
Useful Information
If you would like further information on routes into teaching, you may find these websites useful.
Get into teaching: https://getintoteaching.education.gov.uk/?gclid=CL_7o-PQvs8CFUefGwodKOQCMA
Routes in teaching: https://www.prospects.ac.uk/postgraduate-study/teacher-training/routes-into-teaching
Application Forms