Bournemouth Park Academy

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Primary Admissions 2025 Flyer

School Admissions Arrangements

‘Admission arrangements’ are the overall procedure, practices and criteria used in deciding on the allocation of school places and refers to any device or means used to determine whether a school place is to be offered.

For the 2024/25 academic year the PAN or admission limit will be 60 pupils.

Bournemouth Park Academy welcomes all applications.


If the number of applications for places at the Academy is within the PAN then the Academy will admit all pupils who apply.


If the number of applications for places at the Academy exceed the PAN, the following criteria will be applied, in priority order, to determine which pupils will be admitted:


The admission criteria are listed below by school and should be read alongside the explanatory notes found in the BPA Admissions Policy:


  1. Looked after children and previously looked after children.
  2. Pupils who live in the catchment area and have a sibling on roll at the Academy at the time of application.
  3. Pupils who live in the catchment area served by the Academy.
  4. Pupils of Bournemouth Park Academy Nursery.
  5. Pupils of staff at Bournemouth Park Academy Nursery.
  6. Pupils living outside the Academy’s catchment areas and have a sibling in roll at the Academy.
  7. Pupils living outside the Academy’s catchment area.
  8. Remaining applications.


The school can admit up to 60 children into each year group. Admissions for Reception and Year 3 are arranged in the preceding summer term for the start of the academic year in September. All admissions to the main school are co-ordinated the local authority:


School Admissions Team
Southend-on-Sea City Council

Department for People Civic Centre
Victoria Avenue
Telephone: 01702 212934


Parents must provide their child's details to this department who will then advise if a place is available at Bournemouth Park Academy.


SEN Admissions

Those pupils with statements or Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) have a separate admissions procedure overseen by the SEN team at Southend-on-Sea Borough Council.  They are required to be admitted to a school regardless of their place in the priority order.


Applications for a Reception place for September 2025


Please see here for information on Reception applications for September 25.

You may apply for an in-year school admission via Southend City Council. You will need to register for an account and make your application on-line.


Please visit:

Appeals Information

If you are unsuccessful in securing a place you have the right to appeal.



Click here for the DfE Admissions Appeal Guidance


Admission to the Nursery

The Nursery admits children aged three and four years old. The Nursery can admit children in:


  • Full time, Monday - Friday
  • Part time sessions, either morning or afternoon.
  • Part time sessions - All day Monday, Tuesday and mornings on Wednesdays
  • Part time sessions - Wednesday afternoon and all day Thursday and Friday


Applications for the Nursery should be made directly to the School Office. Parents will need to apply separately for a school place (See Admissions).

Secondary School Admissions


What we need to know:

For every child attending the school we need to collect certain information.

Parents will be asked to complete an ‘Admission Form’ when a child is to be placed on roll at our school. The information provided will be stored on the school’s computer system. Academic achievements of the child will be added to this record as they progress through the school. As time passes the original information given may change, especially telephone/mobile numbers. Please remember to update the school so that we can be sure to contact you.
