Bournemouth Park Academy

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Aims and Objectives

Through our teaching of design and technology we aim to ensure that pupils:

· develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently and to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world

· build and apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make high-quality prototypes and products for a wide range of users

· critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products and the work of others

· understand and apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to cook.


Taken from the National Curriculum for Geography, September 2014



DT topics are developed in planning meetings within each year group and planned in accordance with the Cornerstones curriculum document. Where appropriate, cross-curricular links are made with other subject areas to make learning more meaningful. 

DT lessons follow the sequence of "Design, Make, Evaluate" in line with the National Curriculum. The lessons  should be delivered in a safe environment. Where necessary, risk assessments should be completed and the risks shared with the children to enable them to understand how to work safely. Demonstrations and teacher support are an integral part of safe DT teaching and learning. Children should take place in the designing and making of a product; photos and videos can be used to record making of their products.


All pupils are entitled to access the DT curriculum at a level appropriate to their needs.


Topics Covered 

Throughout the year, topics covered within year groups have a D&T focus. These are: 


  • Shade and Shelter/ Chop Slice Mash/ Taxi (Y1)

  • Remarkable Recipes/ Beach Hut/ Cut, Stitch & Join/ Push & Pull (Y2)

  • Making it Move/ Cook Well, Eat Well/ Greenhouse (Y3)

  • Functional & Fancy Fabrics/ Fresh Food Good Food/ Tomb Builders (Y4)

  • Eat the Seasons/ Architecture/ Moving Mechanisms (Y5)

  • Engineer/ Food for Life/ Make Do Mend (Y6)


Other topics covered will also meet D&T objectives within their cross-curricular links.


