Bournemouth Park Academy

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Read, Write Inc.

At Bournemouth Park Academy, we believe that learning to read is one of the most important things your child will learn. As everything else depends on it, we strive to ensure that every single child learns to read as quickly as possible. We want your child to develop a love of reading and to choose to read for pleasure. To enable us to make the progress with your children, we follow the Read Write Inc. Phonics programme. This is a structured and systematic approach to teaching synthetic phonics that is designed to meet the higher expectations of the new curriculum


The teaching of reading begins in Nursery where children learn how to ‘read’ the sounds within words – this not only prepares children to read new words but also to spell. Children have a daily 10 minute input in which they are introduced to a new sound and revise the sounds previously learnt.


As children progress into Reception, input extends to 30-45 minutes where children continue to learn a new sound each day and practise blending the sounds to read words. During these sessions, children are exposed to a range of story books that are differentiated to meet individual children’s needs.


The teaching of Read Write Inc. continues into KS1 classes where children consolidate their knowledge of the sounds taught to date and are introduced to higher level alternative sounds. Children develop their fluency and expression as well as their comprehension skills.


The teaching of phonics is tailored to the children’s individual needs throughout their learning and regular assessment allows input to be focused and relevant for your child.




