Bournemouth Park Academy

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Ethos, Vision & Values


The Academy’s ethos ‘Believe, Succeed, Together’ is reflected in an uncompromising belief that all pupils can and will succeed in a learning community which supports and develops everyone and their achievements.


There is a positive school ethos which impacts upon successful learning for pupils. Three simple school rules underpin behaviour for all pupils and staff – ‘Be Safe, Be Ready, Be Respectful’. These exist to help an atmosphere in which the Academy is best able to provide an education befitting of all pupils.



  • To provide a safe and secure environment in which all pupils are able to thrive and any issues of concerns they have are deal with promptly and effectively.
  • To provide an environment in which pupils feel proud of the Academy, shown by their excellent behaviour, attitude to learning, attendance and punctuality.
  • To provide a learning environment in which teaching is good and outstanding
  • To provide a broad and balanced curriculum, including the opportunity for all pupils to achieve and exceed national expectations in Reading, Writing and Maths
  • To provide opportunities and experiences for all pupils so that they are well equipped for the next stage in their education at Key Stage 3.
  • To provide an environment in which all pupils are able to broaden their education through a range of spiritual, moral, social and cultural opportunities.
  • To provide an environment in which every opportunity is taken to celebrate and share success.
  • To provide children and their families with a strong partnership between home and school to fully support pupil development throughout Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.

At Bournemouth Park we are committed to providing the children and families in our school with an educational experience, which will provide them with lifelong skills and a desire to learn both within and beyond school life.

